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Branch Rahmaniyah

Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab Street – next to the secondary school – Al-Rahmaniya City – Al-Buhaira Governorate

Branch-com Hamada

The property located in Al Asdeqaa Street, the entrance to the city of Kom Hamada – in front of the traffic – Beheira governorate.

Branch – Etay Gunpowder

The upper second floor, located at the beginning of Amlet Road, in front of the Intellectual School, Namera 4, Bandar Etay Al-Baroud, Beheira Governorate

Branch – Shubrakhit

The first floor is upper, located in Shubrakhit, on a street branching from Port Said Street, in front of the Egyptian parking lot – Shubrakhit, Beheira Governorate

Branch – Abu El Matamir

The first floor is upstairs in the property located on Mostafa Kamel Street – in front of the police station – Abu Al-Matamir Al-Buhaira Center

Branch – Abu Hummus

The first floor is upper, located on Nasser Street, next to the civil registry and behind the police station, Bandar Abu Homs, Beheira Governorate

Branch – Ad Dilinjat

First floor upstairs on Arab Unity Street, behind the new parking lot – Delengat, Buhaira Governorate